The cure for depression – Expression.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

When we’re sad, we often mope. We stand there with our hands outstretched feeling sorry for ourselves. The right way to go is to let it go, and to take a step of action that releases the blockage of frustration within you. All of life is flowing from you, not to you. So, when you’re frustrated, unblock the passageway, let it flow outwardly by taking expressive action of relief.

This feeling of being stuck, at a loss, or frustrated is an indication that you have frustrated the flow. It’s never about hearing from someone, receiving something, or waiting for good news. It’s not about putting the ball in someone else’s court, either. It’s about initiative, relieving yourself, even if it means blowing off some steam.

Don’t vent your anger at another, that’s pushing it down further into the fiery furnace. Vent your anger by screaming into your pillow. That’s creative! Then, once the blockage is cleared, vent your creativity. There are several ways to do this. If you’re frustrated about the actions of another person, create a story in your head where they are nice to you. Write down a little story about them being attentive, kind, and compassionate. Text “them” (but text yourself) and then respond as if it were them. In their voice, make them say kind words to you.

If you’re just in a general malaise, call a friend. That’s an easy one. Write in your journal. Express your feelings to someone you love. Bake a cake and bring it over to someone by surprise. When you’re down and out, turn out a creation. Depression is caused by depressive thoughts. That’s all. Once you realize it, create some new, more creative thoughts and actions. It’s that simple. Create your way to good feelings and realize the secret to happiness – expressiveness.

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