Get closer to find the wide-open space you’re looking for.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Everything dissolves, the closer you get to it. When faced with challenge, it seems as though there is a blockade, but you must get closer to find the way. The way forward is to approach. The closer you get, the wider the opening.

If you look at your hand, it seems solid. Zoom in, and you’ll get into the cellular level. Go further and get into the particle level. At this level of magnification, you’ll see atoms and molecules. If the atom is magnified to the size of a football stadium, the nucleus is the size of a pea! At this level of closeness, it’s vast, empty space. Your hand is not really there.  

At the onset of any endeavor is the appearance of a so-called solid obstacle that seems impenetrable; but, if you slice it up and get closer, you’ll find wide-open space. The mind loves to kick up a lot of noise and dust. It loves to say how “impossible” the impasse is. The roadblocks seem impenetrable, but to get through, you have to get closer.

That’s why it is said that the way is narrow. But at the subatomic level, one day at a time, it’s unlimited. It’s a wide open prairie. The mind can’t see this. It’s too “blocked,” but the spirit can soar through by zooming in. Sit and wait. Let the so-called obstacle approach. Zoom in on it daily, and it will disappear, one atom at a time. The path seems narrow, but deep down, it’s a wide-open field of possibility. Nothing can stop you. As you approach what seems like a monster obstacle, it will slowly give way and vanish. Are you willing to zoom in on what you think is a scary obstacle? It’s wide open if only you would approach it.