Becoming irresistible.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

I’m currently in a caloric deficit. I’m in that plateau phase – digging into the “hard to lose” places around the waist, hips, and love handles. They say that the body resists fat loss in these leaner phases of training. They’re right.

What is resistance, but a primitive, built-in survival instinct? Encoded into us is a fight. No-one wants to die, yet we’re killing ourselves by overeating, being sedentary, and being stressed out. What gives?

Humans have the power to transcend animalistic urges from past generations. There’s a deeper knowing that lack, survival, hoarding, holding on, and fear are illusions. There is no deficit. You’re going to die, at least the body will, and it doesn’t want to. You must show your body it can survive. You must show yourself that you not only can survive without certain foods and calories, but also thrive in the face of what appears as resistance. You must tame the savage beast of resistance. You must become irresistible.

The body learns by adaptation. The mind learns that it doesn’t know, and this helps you remain open. The spirit leads. At times the body will scream and resist again, but the spirit prevails in irresistibility. The spirit knows it’s safe. It’s already been dead, that’s why. It remembers where you were before you were born, and it knows where you’ll be after you’re dead. It knows that in deficit there is only gain. It knows there is only life everlasting. The prize of a caloric deficit is a prized body, lean, muscular, and efficient. The surprise is how well you can do being a little hungry, underfed, and lacking in some energy and sleep. I’m amazed at how well I am doing, even in what seems like without. Your body will stop resisting. It will surrender. Become irresistible . Keep your eye on the prize. You’ll see that you can overcome, but only by letting go.

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