About this blog

My Morning Motivator is a daily devotional for those who need a bit of inspiration to start each day. I have found that taking time to listen to or read motivational words each morning has been a tremendous help to me to feel better about myself, my life, and my actions.

If you’re like me, mornings are sacred. But the amount of time I have for myself each morning is limited. I wanted to create a place where people could go and read a daily, inspiring message, but without having to invest too much time. I wanted to create short entries that contained just enough thought-provoking impact to get your day started on the right foot. My Morning Motivator is my way of helping you to quickly reset your mind, rechannel your energy, and to help start the day with hope, enthusiasm, and love.

I have been journaling daily, for about a decade now. I have found that the writing process is tremendously helpful to me. But what I recently discovered was that going back and re-reading my own words was even more helpful in my personal development. My hope is that the words that I write come from a place that helps you, the reader, to see your own life as a miracle that can benefit the planet. Now, more than ever, we must come together and help each other see the richness that life has to offer. I hope this blog will help you see your own life and skills as a gift to be shared with others. I hope these daily entries will motivate you to discover the inner joy of living!

Please note, new content is not published on Sundays. Thanks for reading!