I told you so. Oh really!?

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Always focus on what’s possible. The ego loves, “I told you so.” It draws a conclusion, Game Over. The ego declares victory in failure. It turns reality into finality, but reality is the ever-illusive, eternal present moment.

Humans love proof. Say you’re trying to lose weight. The spirit is eager to drop the extra pounds. Enthusiasm builds, then you step on the scale after a week of dieting, and the ego says, “See, I told you so. You can’t do this. It’s too hard.” So you prove yourself wrong with the unequivocal evidence. You give up because the evidence is saying – impossible.

What’s possible is never visible to the naked eye. How could what’s in your bank account represent what’s possible? How could what’s on the scale represent what’s possible? How could anything that’s already been manifested be possible? What’s possible is unseen, unformed, and unproven. What’s possible is always inward. It’s informed, never out-formed. Once it’s outpictured, it’s no longer possible because it’s hardened in form.

Most of us are focusing on what’s impossible, meaning it’s already manifested. What you see as reality is impossible. Possibility lives in the unmanifested realm and never takes form. The ego points outwardly to prove truth, but The Truth is forever inward. That’s the truth that sets you free. The inner truth is always open. It’s always possible. It’s always available. It never runs out nor closes. The I-told-you-so’s aren’t real proof. The Real Proof is in what’s to come, the impossible. That inward openness can never be thwarted, threatened, nor disproved. It’s only impossible if you look outwardly for the so-called evidence. Inwardly, anything is possible, is always easy, and is instantaneous. Impossible said, “I told you so.” Possible says, “I’m telling you so, you can, right now and always.” Focus on what’s possible.

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