Free from guilt? Yes please!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

I can’t understand how to set aside time. It’s like setting aside yards or miles. Time measures intervals between events.

If time is money, the same thing applies. Money is a system of measurement. It measures wealth. But wealth is not represented in the money, but in your concept of wealth. Time and money disappear when you stop thinking about them, so how “real” can they be? They are relative, relative to your concepts of them.

You disappear when you stop thinking about “me,” “my life,” and “mine.” To feel guilty you have to have a story to tell. The story you tell is disguising itself as who you think you are. The concept of “me,” the separate self, is the source of shame. Shame on you!

To say you lack something requires you to compare yourself to something else. This “else” is your story. You convert yourself into an object of consciousness that is controlled by a narrative – the story of what you “don’t have.” But you cannot be controlled by a narrative. You are not a collection of words. You’re more of a verb – a process of continual unfoldment and increasing awareness.

How do you measure, capture, or set aside what is essentially in perpetuity? Nothing stands still long enough to “capture” it. A photo doesn’t capture now. You can’t gather time. You can’t gather money. It’s like gathering inches. It’s a system of comparative measurement. You can’t gather yourself or “get it together.” Gathering yourself in concept is a snapshot story. Are you a snapshot?

You can’t get a hold of yourself, converting your fundamentality into an adjective or noun. How can you hold down a verb, an intangibility? Like a photo tries to capture the moment, the mind tries to capture you. Free from guilt? Yes, please.