A recipe for disaster: A recipe for peace.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

When it comes right down to it, we’re scared that there might not be a God. We’re scared that we are separate from our creator. We fear we’re out here in this world, all on our own, and that God is busy with his favorites. We might not be on “the list.” We fear that we’ve done wrongly and that we’ll be punished. When it comes right down to it, we fear that God is “out there,” and He or She cannot hear us, or even worse is ignoring us, or even worse is punishing us, and even worse, the ship hasn’t a captain at all.

Are you doomed? If you think you are, then you’ve created a recipe for disaster. Why must the worst case be believed? Why is doomsday so easy to believe in?

You know what makes it easier to believe in worse-case doomsday? Repetition. I repeat – repetition. There is something about repetition that instills an ingrained belief. For me, the broken record of doomsday just wore itself out. I got tired of believing the lies. I started believing the heart and the heart was repeating with each beat – all is well, I’m OK, all is love. Thump, thump. Repeat.

The heart knows it is OK. Do you really think you’re headed to hell? Do you think you’ll crash? I know it seems like there isn’t a captain, but come on. Haven’t you had enough disaster recipes? Repeat: Haven’t you had enough?

The recipe for disaster: (looping in the mind)
I‘m going to crash. I can’t take it anymore. Nothing works out. Repeat until you’ve had enough.

The recipe for peace: (gently beating in the heart)
All is well. I am OK. All is love. Repeat forever.

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