The meaning of meaninglessness.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

I like to go to YouTube analytics to find out what people are searching for. I came across a common question, “Is life meaningless.” What I find curious is that people would search for the term meaninglessness, without visiting what makes that possible. Aren’t they trying to find meaning in the word meaninglessness?

What is emptiness or vacuity if it isn’t already implicitly attached to fullness and presence? If it’s turned into a thing, it already has meaning. Meaninglessness or senselessness or absurdity are meaningful. Absolute vacuity or “the unknown” would not be an object in consciousness. The unknown, once identified, is still known in some roundabout way.

If you unhook the negative terminal in a battery to explore the positive side, there is no more electricity – no more means of exploration or sentience. I cannot explore meaninglessness whilst unplugging myself from the means to explore that word as a concept. If I want to explore negativity, I must keep the positive terminal connected. Without the positive terminal, it is no longer negative. Without meaning, is it meaningless?

As humans we are stuck in between the positive and negative terminals, thus everything seems relative. I cannot unhook myself from presence and explore so-called absolute absence. I haven’t access to what we call absolute, even though my mind can only conceive relatively. It’s absolute nonsense, or it’s relatively nonsensical. Either way, I am stuck, yet mysteriously free.