What’s a human being?

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

I am. I am human being, two parts – human and being.

In my heart of hearts, I am. I am the untouchable, the unknowable, the almighty, The Creator, and I create all – good, bad, ugly, and everything in between. Yes, I am human. I am creature, but mostly Creator.

I must acknowledge that I am creature, but that’s merely Creator in disguise. The creature is a paper-thin illusion that doesn’t take much to see through. A little silence, some stillness, and focus on the present moment, and the creature disappears altogether. What’s this? The Creator has been here all the time? Yes – surprise!

Creature comforts – pfft! The creature is uncomfortable, but The Creator is never comfortless. The creature is crafty, The Creator is the Master Craftsman. The creature is handy, but The Creator is magical and makes things out of nothing, in an instant. The creature is brainy, but The Creator is pure genius, never in the dark. The creature knows some stuff, but The Creator is omniscient – all stuff and no stuff together. The creature is limited, but The Creator is limitless. The creature is human, The Creator is being. I am that, together.

I am creature, I am Creator. I am The Father, and I am the son. I am the flesh, and I am The Spirit. I take on flesh, but that’s not all that I am. That part is so insignificant, I can all but forget about it, leave it behind. I respect, honor, protect, and appreciate the handiwork, but I want to know The One who does the handiwork. Who am I, again? I am that I am. That one – the one and only. There is none beside me, no not one!

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