Looking and Looking and Looking….

Monday, September 2, 2024

For years, I looked in my email inbox, trying to find something worth reading. I looked at the internet, going down a bunny hole of endless scrolling. I looked at dating sites – all the “choices” to be had! I looked at the TV, flipping through channels to find something to watch. I looked in the pantry to find something to eat, even though I wasn’t hungry. I looked at social media, disliking what was there. I looked at the news, wondering why I “needed” to know that. I looked at my watch, wondering when it would be over. I looked at my bank account, hoping I finally had enough to be free.

I looked to others for advice, but only found confusion. I looked at happy couples holding hands, wishing that were me. I looked at my body and face in disgust.

I looked at my accomplishments and wondered when I’d finally “make it.” I looked at my future, wondering why it seemed so bleak. I looked at my mistakes, wishing they hadn’t been so. I looked to alcohol, wondering why it never soothed the pain. I looked at my possessions, counting my inventory and wanting more.

All that looking and I saw nothing.

It wasn’t until I looked into my eyes that I saw the Great I AM looking back. It wasn’t until I looked at my body as a natural, indigenous creation that I realized it was perfect and beautiful. It wasn’t until I looked into my soul that I found life. Now I look within, and there is so much to see, it would take me several lifetimes to discover what’s there. I can’t believe I wasted so much time looking “out there.” Imagine where I’d be if I had discovered this earlier! It’s never too late to look within.