It grows if you knows.

Friday, August 9, 2024

The other day I had an epiphany. What I wanted, I already had in some tiny form. What I wanted was just a variation of what I already had. What I wanted was just frivolity, it was more about the emotional content than the things themselves – peace of mind, love, togetherness, freedom, joy, contentment, and satisfaction.

What you want, you already have. When the desire comes it’s realized and it’s already in you. You have it in seed form. What you want is a variation of what’s already there. Bigger house, different lover, change of body composition, different job, etc., are all rooted in change. That’s easy. Thirdly, what you want is frivolity. It’s not dire. Fourthly, what you want is about the emotional content. Want money? It’s to feel unstrapped. Want achievement? It’s for the satisfaction of work. Want companionship? It’s because you think you’re alone. Want joy? It’s because you’re not doing anything joyful. Fix the emotion, fix the situation.

If you sit down with your goals, you’ll see you’ve got baseline versions of them already. Just the desire is a start. So what’s causing the suffering? You’ve got everything you want in your life, but still feel something is missing, lacking, or fundamentally wrong.

You already have what you desire the moment you have the desire. Realizing that minimizes suffering. The moment the idea pops into your head, it’s yours. When possibility is accessed, it is done unto you. But we are not aware, and we keep our dreams from budding. Building a goal starts with a foundation, the goal itself. And that happens in an instant. Whatever form it’s in – love it. Keep creating. The illusion of “not having” is what trips us up. You have it. You thought of it. Own it in whatever form it comes. It grows if you knows.