It is what it is, and that’s all there is.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

If you feel uneasy, uncomfortable, suspicious, or that something is wrong, does it mean that your situation must change? Is it the arrangement outside or the arrangement inside that seems to bother you?

Recently, a friend called about a “situation” at her job. She felt a colleague was undermining her. Basically, she thought this colleague was out to get her, to outrank her, or that the colleague had an ulterior motive to be harmful. She kept wanting to say the other was the cause of the problem. I kept wanting to show her how she was manifesting the emotion.

It was hard for me to convince her that she was the source of the paranoia. Paranoia was manifesting in her because she couldn’t control her colleague’s behavior. And there you have it. Unease is caused when we feel like we can’t control. That’s because we can’t. Half the time we cannot even control our own behavior much less that of others. Sometimes we feel icky. It just seems to come upon us, and so we go looking for a “reason.” Is there a reason it’s cloudy today, or is it just cloudy?

The reason why you feel a certain way likely has nothing to do with the actions of others or the contents of your life. It might be that you’ve forgotten who you are – a free spirit, capable of getting out from the oppression of your own mind and negative emotions. Or it might be that you’re experiencing a cloudy day – you’re just blue. It’s cloudy sometimes, and other times it’s sunny, and if you’re looking for a reason why, good luck. Shaking your fist at the sky won’t clear it. Shaking your fist at your weird colleague won’t do anything either. Maybe things are the way they are because that’s just the way they are.