Getting to the bottom of worry, once and for all.

Friday, June 21, 2024

When you stop for a moment and take in the serenity of nature, it seems a bit petulant to interrupt it with worry. Worry feels like a demanding child whose parent simply wants peace.

If you spend enough time in quiet, and in nature, you’ll begin to sense an underlying stillness that pervades all things. It’s like being more interested in the background than the foreground. In music, it’s the intervals in between the notes that give the tune its recognizable identity, and the rests and silences give the music structure and interest. In many cases, silence in music makes it more profound, deep, and enriching. While the sounds are significant, it’s the non sounds that give music deeper meaning.

The universe, on the whole, seems not to give a damn about your so-called problems, which amount to nothing but a spec on a nano blip. You’ve got “big deal” issues, I know. But the birds flit about, the breeze gently blows, and the clouds waft by without a care about “your” issues. It all seems impersonal, yet in that impersonality there is intimacy and a silent love that cannot be bothered. Impersonality means an absence or reduction of concern for individual needs or desires.

Below the wrinkled surface of the ocean is a much more profound depth. This depth is in you. Dive in and let it surround you with peace, love, and bliss. It’s black, empty, undisturbed, serene, silent, and indescribably protective. It’s got no concern for your so-called concerns because it’s where unconditional love originates. Dive in and get to the bottom of worry. There, you’ll find it has no roots. It’s just on the surface, where nothing matters. The deeper you go into the background, the less you’ll hear the chatter of worry, until it fades and becomes so dim you hardly notice it.