Tight spaces and remembering you’re front and center.

Monday, June 17, 2024

A common perception is that life is linear. I see life as ongoing, and the perception of endings and beginnings are cast by an illusion, much like the horizon makes things look like the “end of the earth.” When you’re walking on a sphere, it can appear like you’re approaching a dead end, and that you’ll fall off. But that’s because of the illusion caused by curvature. It seems like you’re going to run out. But you can’t.

You can’t come to your wits’ end, the end of your rope, or the end of the line. Remember, there is no line – life isn’t linear. It seems like you’ll run out of time, money, or exhaust all possibilities; but that’s like saying if you got into a boat and sailed west, you’d fall off the face of the earth.

You’re a nonlinear being, and these shadowy edges that appear to make boundaries in your life are nothing more than the horizon pretending to trap you. On a sphere you’re always able to move forward, towards the “edge,” and on a sphere, you’re always in the center. Since the universe is spherical, it means that any point on it is its center. You are front and center, always.

There is no brink, no ending, no wits’ end. Intelligence is infinite. When you realize you are front and center, you can regain your wits – mental sharpness and inventiveness; keen intelligence. Your keen intelligence and your mental sharpness, that’s your ticket out of being stuck. It will get you out of those jams, but not unless you’re afraid of the “edge of the world.” You must remember you’re on a sphere, and there is no way you’ll ever fall off, and there is no way you can ever be off center. Don’t fear crossing the line. There is no line.