A protester is ungrateful.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

When we get into the subject matter of our life, we often find that we (the main character) spend a great deal of time objecting to the storyline. When you object to who you are and what’s happening, you are being ungrateful.

But when you subject to it, it’s a whole different matter. In other words you are being subjected to these happenings, and yes many of them are unpleasant. But what growth experience contains no pain? Building muscle requires burn, but then you’re grateful for having not objected to it. It’s this force that builds new life. Labor pains create blessing, so it’s all possible to subject yourself to them, wisely and maturely.

When there is pain due to changing circumstance, objecting to these forces makes them more painful. Pushing away pain intensifies the pinch and grind. Objecting to pain is simply creating more pain, so exponentially, you make it worse. To make it better, subject yourself to it.

Subjecting yourself and surrendering to what has become of the moment begins the healing process. The white flag is a symbol of healing. If you have a personal trainer at the gym, you initially object to all of those core exercises which burn like hell, but subjecting yourself calmly and gratefully yields results.

You’re constantly dying and then experiencing rebirth. Shedding forms scabs and scrapes. But the refiner’s fire is what polishes you to a higher luster. Endure calmly. Embrace the pain like an old friend and ultimately be grateful for a hard “workout.” What’s required of you doesn’t require all that drama and thrashing around. It requires mental alertness and a relaxation into the growth processes. Release, let go, and float to advancement. You’ll eventually transcend. You’re being subjected to the process of higher levels. Catch yourself. Let go of the protest, and the burn is less intense.