Born to win. The race without a loser.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

It is possible to win without there being a loss. I call it noncompetitive winning. Noncompetitive winning is moving forward regardless of what seems like opposition. A real winner uses everything to their advantage, even the so-called slim odds, the so-called quiet periods when nothing is happening, and even the so-called setbacks. I’ve seen repeatedly how people use the so-called competition, not to destroy the opponent, but to use it as a way to let go and move forward. That’s how a plane “wins.” It gets off the ground by using the opposing forces like gravity and wind resistance to its advantage. What appears to be holding it on the ground is actually lifting it up.

What appears like obstacles are nothing but springboards. What appears as an enemy is a friend, if you use them to see how you are holding yourself back. What feels like a disadvantage is an advantage if you see how it makes your perspective unique. Your unique perspective is unlike any in the world, thus you’re always winning despite what seems to be saying otherwise.

In a real winner, there is no battle, just interesting ways to proceed. They realize everything is moving forward. It’s just that the mind likes to create downturns, slowdowns, and seeming dead-ends, but even those are part of the prize, once you see how this works. Noncompetitive winning is the realization that it all works.

You’re running by faith, not by sight. A Real Winner takes everyone and everything to the winner’s circle with them. Run the race with faith in yourself, everyone else, and in everything around you! You can’t be stopped when you realize that you are always winning and opposition is an illusion. A noncompetitive race is easy once you realize you’re a born winner. We all are.