Thursday, February 6, 2025
Illumination or enlightenment feels as if the lights in the movie house have come up, and you see you’re in a different seat – not the hot seat on the screen. You see your life from a different perspective. You feel the emotions but, you have a realization that it’s just a movie, a convincing drama that you got caught up in.
At that point, life becomes a spectator’s sport. You cheer for yourself from the stands. You hope for yourself from afar. You feel the emotions, in the same way you felt them for a character on the big screen, but you are seeing from a bigger screen. You see with that proverbial grain of salt that we so often miss. We delve too deeply into the drama, never realizing we’re not the character, the plot, the drama, or the scene. We’re all of it and high enough to see from a different viewpoint. That bird’s eye view is hard to explain. Too many of us are consumed in the drama on the screen and don’t realize the higher seat of the soul.
Once you’re seated from the spectators’ stance, you’ve touched what’s called substance. That sensation is low in your being but high in your spirit. It’s cool to see from a higher place. It’s not so scary once you see the movie house, and you can emote for the character rather than getting all caught up. From the Seat of your Soul you’ll be more curious about what will happen next. You can’t futz with what’s on the screen. The drama is happening. Spectate, which means observe. You’ll still do and act, but you’ll realize there is no “you” in there, in that body suit. At a movie, who doesn’t love a good cry, a good laugh, or a good mystery? When the lights come up, you’ll realize it’s just a movie. What a relief.