Recreate the world! Liberate yourself and others!

Monday, September 30, 2024

I’m failing people, and myself, miserably. I’m creating images of failure. I’m not helping.

Many of the people in my life are on a crash course with the devil, and at times, so am I. If only I could reverse. I can. I can save us from hell. If I would have reversed the spelling of the word DEVIL, all of my hopes and dreams would have LIVED. Devil spelled backwards is lived. What if we could let people live? If we did, they would no longer be evil, would they? (Hint: Evil is the word live spelled backwards).

Let’s backup and reverse this crash course. Let’s see potential, instead! Potential comes from Latin potentia, ‘power’, from potent- ‘being able.’ You’re able. I’m able. But not if we snuff out the power with failure thinking. We think of ourselves as being failures and being limited – but that course of thought can be reversed.

We’re not limited. We only think we are, and we hold others in contempt for these so-called limitations. But think of how much better people would be if you would liberate them from this mindset. I’ve got to do a better job of letting myself and others free – free to be wonderful, mighty, and capable. We’re all expanding towards our potential. Let’s see the truth in all people. Let them live as able-bodied in your mind. They aren’t evil unless you condemn them to the prison of your mental hell. They wouldn’t be the devil if they could have lived in your mind as free, acceptable, and perfectly created. Now recreate TRUTH, that all people are lovely beings, full of dignity, honor, glory, and love! Some have forgotten. Let’s help them remember by holding them to a higher standard, one that is truly without limit.

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