Working out the path to perfection.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Over the last few months, I’ve been working with a personal trainer, and I’m starting to see remarkable results. I’m learning I don’t have to bust my butt to get there. A personal trainer is a guide. Without a keen teacher, you can’t see where you’re overexerting yourself, where you’ve had poor technique, and how you’ve simply misunderstood the physiological aspects of resistance training. A teacher shows you the secrets.

When I taught organ playing, I was amazed at how much wasted energy students used when trying to master the body. Using the pedals, both feet simultaneously, was like moving glaciers. The feet, when you first become aware of them, are like cloven hooves. But as you refine the technique, you realize just how little is necessary. Every lesson was spent refining, getting the student to lessen the effort, minimize the movement, and build in the ease. The so-called hard part is getting the body to do less – just what is required.

My personal trainer has made working out easier. And when it becomes easy, it becomes enjoyable. When it becomes enjoyable you see results, immediately. I find it interesting that we call it “working out.” It’s the “out” part I’m interested in. We’re taking out misperception and honing in awareness. It’s like a marble slab, clunky, huge, and unrecognizable. But then, the artist starts to chisel away, removing hunks at a time, or small bits, depending upon which area. Out of it comes the work (of art) – thus working out.

Working out is really honing in. It’s discovering what’s already there. It’s digging out and seeing the perfect god or goddess within. We all have an Adonis body and a perfect spirit. Remove the inhibition and see the inhabitant, the inner, effortless being working itself out.

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