You’re it. Dam it, and then you’re damned.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

It’s easy to get caught in the mindset that you’ve already done your best work, and you are washed up. But the river of abundance flows eternally, even in the oldest person. That one performance, that one book, that one project, that one failed relationship seems like that’s all there will ever be; but the creative individual knows the supply is endless. The key is to know this truth. You are the overflowing supply, not a dried up prune – finished, blocked, and done for.

Don’t hoard your ideas for fear of sharing them. Don’t over prepare for fear of messing up. Don’t obsess and overdo things, aiming for so-called perfection. At that level, your ideas become stale and they stop flowing – they are encrusted and rigid, preserved, totally wooden, and lifeless. Life flows, and so do all your ideas and creative abilities. The trick is to un-jam them and let them flow endlessly.

What you’re working on now won’t be your last hooray. Get it out so you can move onto the next. You can take your time but don’t overprotect your creative expressions because you fear how they will turn out. It’s only a snapshot of the divine flow which always moves.

There will be more, and in that realization you improve tremendously. The creative stream never runs dry unless you dam it with a scarcity mindset. And then you’re damned. Don’t block the flow with scarcity thinking! Truth runs forever and you are a vessel of that truth – always climbing, always thinking, always flowing and expanding. Life flows on in endless song if you aren’t damning yourself with the mindset that “this is it!” No, this is not it. You’re it, the flowing, endless supply!