It’s all one. What do you have to lose?

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

In my mind, creature and creator are one. Creature and environment are one because creator and environment are one, too. You may think you are limited to the borders of your skin, but you extend beyond your skin and what’s beyond your skin extends into you. The creature thinks she is an individual, and that’s fine; but she is linked to more than she can imagine.

Somehow the creator hides in everything, which is to say that the creator is everything. Creator creates the hiding place and creature pretends to find creator. It’s a lovely game going on, that’s it. It’s nothing but a bit of hide and seek. It’s a constant unfolding of surprise and wonderment. But it’s all one big wonderful game.

It’s all one, absolute Truth. Source is everywhere. Source is everything. Separateness in the seen world is connective in the unseen world. Connectedness erases borders, differentiation, individuality, and impediments. In the unseen, fear turns into pure faith.

Those caught up in the physical world of stuff are too stuffed to realize the liberation awaiting them within. They don’t realize the joy of letting go, separating from the clutch of the physical world, and joining the abundance of that heavenly realm of inner freedom, unable to be possessed. If creator and creator are one, there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, and no-one to be “outside” of yourself. It’s all free, squishy, shifty, and boundless. If creature and creator are one, there is nothing to stop you from creating what you desire. Connective unity allows you to do what you want. Feeling isolated seems to stop you, but it’s all one, so what do you have to lose? If creator and creature are one, there is nothing opposing you. There is no place the creator is not.