Sit tight, play the waiting game, and enjoy.

Monday, July 1, 2024

When you’re faced with a situation, and you’re not sure what to do, the best thing is to sit tight. But I don’t like the image of “sitting tight.” It makes me think of someone tight lipped, sitting on their hands, stomach in knots, and heart palpitating. It makes me think of someone staring at the clock whilst on pins and needles.

When we’re sitting tight, we are acknowledging that there isn’t much in our power to change the situation. Much of life is a waiting game, but even in that colloquialism there is a misunderstanding. What is the outcome of someone who “wins” the waiting game? What about the loser of the waiting game? Do they act prematurely? Do they get nervous and fret for no reason?

The waiting game is simple. It means you can play. Games are for playing, and sitting is for relaxing. So instead of sitting tight, which means you’re nothing but a rigid stick of tension, play the waiting game for fun. One way to play is to sit loose. Get a cuppa and sit looking out of the window. Go visit with a colleague and shoot the breeze. Sitting tight or waiting doesn’t mean fretting in mind sewerage. Be playful while you wait. Enjoy that the situation is out of your hands – what a relief!

Yes, sometimes we must sit tight, and yes, life is a waiting game; but I think games should be fun. The time will pass anyway, so go have some fun during your waiting periods. Distract yourself by doing something you love! All good things are on the way, and the outcome is always for your highest good. If you don’t know that yet, the waiting game is tough, and sitting tight is tense. I’d rather go out and play. The time will pass anyway, you might as well have a little fun.