Be free from the bonds of death! Alleluia!

Monday, May 27, 2024

Most of us are stuck in a tomb, a pattern of defeat, a repetitive, negative loop in the skull. We’re convinced why it can’t work, why we’re not good enough, or that today is just “another day.” The loop closes possibility. But life wants you to rise! You can release yourself with new words. Convince yourself with new lies. The loop is untrue, so why shouldn’t the interjection of faith work on the same principle?

It’s time to intervene in negative self-talk. It’s loopy! Round and round it turns out a speech of death; why you cannot; why you don’t deserve; why it’s so hard, etc. Untie it upon waking. Interject upon it’s hatefulness with a daily Alleluia! – an affirming statement of empowerment and victory. It will feel like a lie at first. But the loop is lying too! Beat it at its own game.

Play the loop backwards, and what do you get? You get what you feel you don’t deserve. You get ease. You get results. You get everything that you found to be “difficult” or “impossible.” You get everything that you thought was lost. You gain freedom that you thought was being withheld from you. You gain ability, stamina, energy, vibrancy, and hope and above all New Life. Alleluia!

Notice the sly recordings in your mind. Notice how they sneak up on you in the morning and try to convince you you’re dead; that you can’t; or that you are mediocre. Do you notice the power it has over you? Why must it be so convincing, when it’s conniving?

Open the loop and interject words of faith. Negative banter cannot win. Reverse the charges. Free the captive. Affirm what’s true, that you are divine, capable of anything, unencumbered, inspired, and able-bodied. Are you going to believe the negative loop or me? Work with my words, convince yourself, and be free. Alleluia!